%matplotlib inline
import matplotlib.colors
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pylab
pylab.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = (10.0, 10.0)
import numpy as np
import vigra
from random import random
random_colors = [(1,1,1)] + [(random(),random(),random()) for i in xrange(255)]
random_cmap = matplotlib.colors.LinearSegmentedColormap.from_list('new_map', random_colors, N=256)
from libdvid import DVIDNodeService
server_address = ""
uuid = "b9fdd"
node_service = DVIDNodeService(server_address, uuid)
keyvalue_store = "my-keyvalue"
node_service.put(keyvalue_store, "City", "Ashburn")
# Get it back
node_service.get(keyvalue_store, "City")
graycale_block = node_service.get_gray3D("grayscale", (64, 256, 256), (0,0,0))
plt.imshow(graycale_block[10], cmap='gray')
label_instance_name = "mylabels"
# Generate some demo labels
inverted_grayscale = (-1.0*graycale_block).astype(np.float32)
inverted_grayscale = vigra.filters.gaussianSmoothing(inverted_grayscale, 4.0)
watersheds, maxlabel = vigra.analysis.watershedsNew(inverted_grayscale)
plt.imshow(watersheds[10], cmap=random_cmap)
# Push to DVID
node_service.put_labels3D(label_instance_name, watersheds.astype(np.uint64), (0,0,0))
# Fetch a slice of it
fetched_label_slice = node_service.get_labels3D(label_instance_name, (1, 256, 256), (10,0,0))
plt.imshow(fetched_label_slice[0], cmap=random_cmap)
roi_name = "myroi"
# ROIs are defined as a list of blocks.
# These are block indexes, not pixel coordinates.
roi_blocks = [(0,i,i) for i in range(8)]
roi_blocks += [(0,i,i+1) for i in range(8)]
# Push to dvid
node_service.post_roi(roi_name, roi_blocks)
# Fetch as slice of it in voxel space
roi_slice = node_service.get_roi3D(roi_name, (1, 256, 256), (10,0,0))
plt.imshow(roi_slice[0], cmap='gray', interpolation='nearest')
from libdvid import ConnectionMethod
endpoint = "/" + label_instance_name + "/info"
label_info = node_service.custom_request(endpoint, "", ConnectionMethod.GET)
print label_info
import json
info_data = json.loads(label_info)
print json.dumps(info_data, sort_keys=True,
indent=4, separators=(',', ': '))