Our projects
Please visit our github page to view all FlyEM projects that have been open-sourced. For many of the projects, we try to release software as it is being written, so some code may be available but not easily used. For this reason, we have listed the projects below that have some stability.
Stable Projects
- Buildem -- a modular CMake-based system that leverages CMake's ExternalProject to simplify and automate a complex build process.
- Gala -- a python library for performing and evaluating image segmentation.
- NeuroProof -- a graph-based image segmentation and evaluation tool.
- Raveler -- tool for examining and editing large segmented image datasets.
DVID Ecosystem Workshop and Hackathon: April 4-9, 2016
Join us at the first DVID ecosystem workshop and hackathon, where we will discuss scientific data sharing and tools for connectomics research.
All FlyEM software is released under the Janelia Farm license, a 3-clause BSD license.
Since FlyEM software relies on a number of other software packages, we have included a summary of open source license compatibility and what licenses are used for each software package.